Important due dates:
Online Attendee Registration (early bird: May 15, 2021; final: May 30, 2021)
Author Registration (for both accepted conference paper and workshop paper): May 15, 2021
Please visit this link for your author or online attendee registration.
Registration Fees:
Details on the fees can be accessed via this link.
Important Notes for Onsite Attendee Registration:
- For those in China who would like to join the local physical event, the organization committee will release registration details at a later date.
- Authors need both a paper registration and an onsite registration.
About Author Registration:
- SIGMOD/PODS Conference authors specify the list of conference paper(s) and workshop paper(s) that they would like to cover with their author registration, for a total cost of $300. Please follow the format
- Workshop-only authors specify the list of workshop paper(s) that they would like to cover with their author registration, for a total cost of $100.
- Author registration applies to accepted conference papers (research, demo, industry) and accepted workshop papers. It does not apply to tutorial paper.
- The one who did an author registration will be automatically provided a free online attendee registration. Other coauthors (if they want to attend SIGMOD/PODS) should do an online attendee registration.
- The capacity of attendee registration for each workshop is 500. Please ONLY select the workshop(s) that you do plan to attend.
- 5000 is the limit for the aggregation of all registration types.
Survey for attendees:
During the registration process, Please take a moment to fill out our Diversity and Inclusion Survey to help our D&I in DB initiative. The link of the survey will also be provided in the confirmation email in case you missed it during the registration process. Your responses will help us better understand the characteristics, needs, and preferences of our community and organize more diverse and inclusive conferences. We will not collect names or email addresses of respondents and will use the data only at the aggregate level. The link of the survey will be provided in the registration confirmation email in case you missed it during the registration process.