SIGMOD Santiago, Chile, 2024

Organization: Conference Officers

SIGMOD General Chairs

  Pablo Barcelo
  Universidad Católica, Chile
  Nayat Sanchez-Pi
  INRIA Chile

PODS General Chair

  Floris Geerts
  University of Antwerp, Belgium

SIGMOD Program Co-chairs

  S. Sudarshan
  Indian Institute of Technology, India
  Alexandra Meliou
  University of Massachusetts
  Amherst, USA

PODS Program Chair

  Wim Martens
  University of Bayreuth, Germany

Finance Chair

  Lorena Etcheverry
  Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay

Sponsorship Co-chairs

  Justin Levandoski
  Google, USA
  Luis Martí
  Inria Chile
  Vanina Martinez
  UBA, Argentina

Web/Information Chair

  Tomasz Steifer
  Universidad Católica, Chile

SIGMOD Industrial Program Chairs:

  Ippokratis Pandis
  Amazon, USA
  Danica Porobic
  Oracle, Switzerland

SIGMOD Tutorial Chairs:

  Katja Hose
  TU Wien, Austria
  Ihab Ilyas
  University of Waterloo, Canada

SIGMOD Panel Chairs:

  Leilani Battle
  University of Warshington, USA
  Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
  U. of Fribourg, Switzerland

SIGMOD Demonstration Chairs:

  Arnab Nandi
  The Ohio State University, USA
  Ioana Manolescu
  INRIA, France

SIGMOD Proceedings Chairs:

  Jyoti Leeka
  Microsoft, USA
  Venkatesh Emani
  Microsoft, USA

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Chairs

  Aidan Hogan
  Universidad de Chile, Chile
  Jesus Camacho Rodriguez

SIGMOD Workshop Chairs

  Joy Arulraj
  Fatma Ozcan
  Google, USA
  Pınar Tözün
  ITU, Denmark

New Researchers Symposium Chairs

  Sainyam Galhotra
  Cornell University, USA
  Jia Zou
  Arizona State University, USA

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